Flat Forehead Moment
Oct 10, 2022
Epiphany--an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure, better known as a flat-forehead moment.
Two Sundays ago, we left for vacation. We planned to tent camp the for 3 days and then go on to Bend to visit the grandkids. We hadn't camped in awhile and we thought it would be enjoyable, fun and adventurous.
One of the adventurous parts was that we forgot the sleeping bags. Hahaha! We stopped at Walmart in Eugene to buy some sleeping bags and then drove to Harris Beach Campground in Brookings, Oregon.
After hiking the familiar path to the beach and back, we built a campfire and began to reminisce many of the fun memories we made there. We camped there all the time when the kids were little...a looooong time ago.
And in that moment, we realized something:
Why haven’t we done this more? Why haven’t we taken the time to go on camping trips before?
Sometimes we don’t realize the value of moments like this until we’re in them – or worse, until they’ve passed.
Have you been there?
There are so many moments we miss because we get caught up in the hustle and noise of our everyday lives.
Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do and the people I serve on a daily basis, but there are simple refreshing moments like this that I’ve missed because I’ve simply put them off.
I have to keep reminding myself that if I want to make maximum impact in the lives of others and truly pour into others at a high level, I can't pour from an empty cup. My cup needs to be filled first.
And what better way to do that than on a camping trip alone with Dennis?
I want to encourage you: what is it that you need at this time? Is it a weekend away? Maybe just a whole day to yourself where you do nothing but relax and recharge? Is there a mentor or friend you need to call to encourage you? Is there a hike you’ve been wanting to take with your family?
Whatever it is, I encourage you to stop putting it off. Remember, your cup needs to be filled!
Fully refreshed,
Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team
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